Wednesday, December 26, 2007

On the feast of Stephen

The Duke and Duchess have had a busy day. The feast of Stephen is when horses are blessed for the coming year and then, weather permitting, given a good hack through the countryside. The traditon continued this year following custom.

Whist riding the Duke pondered his place in the Universe, enjoying the solitude and snowy countryside. He inwardly gave thanks for his family, for the joys of the season and the greater family of the Duchy of Tradgardland. His thoughts turn to his deceased son and to the letter from Max in Schwartz Wald See. Max conveys his concern over the intentions of the Imperium . He sees a threat to his new realm and that of his father too. Max suggests that they need to plan together , to share troops and intentions in the coming year.

Karl Frederick has indeed much to think of. With a conscious effort he turns his thoughts to the Mummer's performance this night as they re tell the Tradgardland legends beloved by one and all. The Ducal traditions and legends help all to see their place in the scheme of things under heaven. Karl Frederick feels the rightness of this. And now with a gallop he turns the horse for home.....

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